
Membership in Lakeshore African Violet Society of Toronto is open to all persons interested in African violets whether they be avid hobbyists or enthusiastic beginners. While most of our membership lives in Toronto and adjacent towns, it is open to all and we have members from other parts of the Province of Ontario, other parts of Canada and a few from other countries.

Through membership and attendance at meetings you will learn about all aspects of collecting, growing and showing African violets. You don’t need to be interested in all aspects. Some of us are small hobby growers; others are major hobby growers; some of us are commercial growers.


Meetings are friendly and are not geared only to specialists. We provide a balanced program and there are meeting subjects suited to beginners and to long-time enthusiasts and everyone in between.

To join, please come and get acquainted with us at one of our Meetings. If you can’t join us in person but want to be included and receive the full Newsletter, please contact our Membership Person by email.

Membership Categories

The membership year is from September 1st of the current year to August 31st of the following year. Members must be registered and paid in full by December 31st in order to participate in the spring show of the following year. New members joining for the first time after January 1st will have their membership extended to December 31st of the following year

There is a family membership (husband and wife) and an additional fee for each child of 6 to 16 years.

There is also a commercial rate for commercial growers of African violet plants.